Wednesday, 27 November 2013


Lately I have been feeling immense gratitude for the Holy Spirit, for just how much the Spirit does for us daily.  First of all, it is the Spirit that brings anyone into the church.  It is the Spirit that testifies the Truth of the church, and the Gospel.  We are filled with an overwhelming sense of joy that is just not of this earth.  I know as I feel the Spirit I feel such a sweet happiness that feels like Christmas.  A friend and I were saying how much the Spirit feels like Christmas and so we get to experience that sweet, innocent, pure, happy, peaceful feeling of Christmas daily, where most people only get to experience this once a year.  The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is like Christmas.  

I so appreciate all that the Spirit does for us.  We are constantly guided to what we need and our good desires, we are guided away from dangers.  We are filled with the Truth.  Also, the Holy Spirit really disintegrates the spiritual fog that we live in when we don't have the Spirit.  The Holy Spirit gives us incredible clarity, where we can see so clearly.  As I mentioned in my last blog post, I was given incredible revelation about the difference between the adversary's voice and the Spirit's voice.  

With the Holy Spirit we are really given the ability to discern.  We can feel if the Spirit is with us, or with drawing based on what we are partaking in.  The more we partake in the things of Spirit the more sensitive we become to it, and know when we are filled with it, or when its with drawing.  There is no happiness like being filled with the Spirit.  This is why we cry often when we feel it.  Its so edifying to our souls, and nothing compares.  I do know that this happiness is what all souls long for.  That is the reason people use drugs, alcohol and other addictions trying to feel this kind of happiness.  Of course using outside substances is a very poor substitute and in no way is even close to the joy of the Spirit.  There really is no greater happiness.  

Nothing can be a substitute.  I know what its like to live with the Spirit, and with out it.  The sad thing is when one is use to living with out the Holy Spirit, we don't even realize what we are missing, until we feel it again.  I am so fortunate that I have the Holy Spirit as my constant companion.  

We are so fortunate that anyone can have this, if they are willing to get baptized by water first then by the Spirit second.  In scripture this is referred to as the "gift of the Holy Spirit" and I totally get now why its considered a gift.  We are so privileged to have this Spirit in our lives, with in us.  It is a gift to receive this.  We get to experience a bit of heaven through the Holy Spirit, and this makes living on the earth absolute bliss.  Also, I know for me it makes me really want to do all I can to get back home to Heaven, so I can experience this all the time, and live 24/7 in this kind of happiness after I leave the earth.  So thank-you Holy Spirit!  Bless you for all that you do.  In the Name of Jesus Christ Amen! 

Monday, 11 November 2013


Well since I have returned to being a member of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I have received the Holy Spirit and can now strongly feel this Spirit in my life.  I have also become aware of the voice of the Holy Spirit more clearly than ever.  What the Holy Spirit has made me aware of, is that the adversary is also speaking to us all the time.  But because we often don't know the difference or think this voice is just our own voice, we listen and unfortunately even obey it sometimes.  The Holy Spirit is helping me understand the difference between the two voices.  

The adversary is the voice that creates fear and anxiety.  Really its the voice of all mental and emotional illness.  It tells us negative things about ourselves, about others, if we are in the church its the voice that speaks doubt, anger, fear or negativity towards the leaders.  Its the voice has us treat our brothers and sisters in the church and in the world less than loving and kind.  Its the voice that tells us we are not loved, wanted, worthy, creates separation feelings, loneliness feelings, confusion, and even will talk us into leaving the church.  I know, I heard this voice and listened and ended up leaving the church.  It convinced me that this was not the whole truth, and that there was more truth else where.  It is the adversary's voice that has ever talked anyone into leaving the church.  It is also the adversary's voice that has talked anyone into leaving the planet.  

It is the voice that talks people into acts of violence and rage.  Into committing crimes, into committing sins.  Of course he does not come out and say "I am the adversary and I am here to lead you into misery and despair, separation from God etc."  He convinces everyone that first he doesn't exist.  So now believing in Satan is seen as superstitious, old fashioned, antiquated, fanatical, at its very least stupid.  People of our modern contemporary society, who are reasonable, smart, sophisticated are not expected to believe there is an adversary who is against God and really against us too.  That is the greatest scheme he has pulled off, to convince the world he doesn't exist.  

Just think how much he is able to have free reign with people, with our society, with our lives because we are now completely unaware that he exists, and think its ridiculous to even entertain the idea that he does exist.  He has become a fairy tale figure.  Yet that is the big scheme he has concocted so that he has his way with millions of people daily.  I know when I don't have the Holy Spirit in my life, I start to also go into a denial about his existence.   He convinces me he isn't real either and then I actually start to feel foolish that I ever believed, and then this is when he invisibly takes over in my life.   The Holy Spirit speaks the Truth regarding the adversary's existence, and makes it very clear that he does exist and is constantly trying to have power with people, speaking constantly to people, and often succeeding in having control over people's lives.  Most people are oblivious to this.  I can even imagine people outside the church and maybe even some in the church reading this and laughing or having pity on a poor soul like me that actually believes there is a devil.  The reality is though, he is the one laughing at the fact he has managed to make himself invisible to people while yet having control over people's actions, words and lives.  

His voice is so insidious, and has become so normal that people have no idea that is he they are listening to.  I have totally been duped into listening to his voice.  It was only in the last few days I was given this revelation and clarity.  So to helps us with understanding who's voice is speaking: 

Adversary speaks words that:  discourage, create a feeling of hopeless, of being stuck, tell us we can not be healed, can not have our problems fixed, can not accomplish things, says things that create anxiety and fear, as well as shame, unworthiness feelings, guilt when we are truly innocent, tell us to leave the church, create doubt about the leaders, or the church its self.  Speaks words that create a feeling of separation between us and others, as well as judgment, harshness, victim feelings, create stories and cases that we build up about others.  If anyone ever hears words that are making them want to commit suicide or do a violent or harmful act this is the adversary.  

He is the author of contention, arguments, and war.  He is the creator of addictions.  He tells people to use drugs, to smoke cigarettes, to drink, to gamble and to have sex outside of marriage. He tells people to use addictive substances to enslave them.  

He also tells people there is no God, we don't need a Savior Jesus Christ, we don't need to go to church.  We don't need to pray.  We don't need to do the things the Church has asked us to do.  He is the voice that tells us to watch sexual or violent movies, or movies where there is vulgar language used continuously.   He tempts, and then shames after we fall into temptation.  Tells us we can't repent, we can't repair, and we can never return into God's grace or the church.  The adversary will convince us that breaking the commandments of God is totally fine, that in fact there really are no commandments, morals, or standards, that there is no God even.  
Or he will tell us that God never judges so we can do anything, with no consequence, that we are totally free, and there is no right or wrong, no sin etc.  The voice of the adversary is harsh, angry, contemptuous, cruel, self righteous, judgmental, arrogant, egotistical, abusive. Or some times it can disguise its self when its telling us to sin, or that all actions are fine, with a false loving voice so we will be unknowingly lead astray.  The adversary will tell us to follow only our bodies, our sensuality, our sexuality in ways that hurt our and others' spirit.  He weakens us on all levels.  He is the ruler of the natural man part of us.  He will always lead people into self abuse, hurting themselves and others, but does this in a way where people are blindly thinking they are just having fun.  He speaks critical and condemning words towards us and towards others.  The adversary will continuously tells us we are alone.  So if we hear any of this, this is the adversary, if we speak this way, we are allowing the adversary to speak through us, as opposed to the Spirit speaking through us.   

In vast contrast the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit speaks: words of comfort, kindness, gentleness, powerfully, but never harsh, angry or abusive in anyway.  The Holy Spirit speaks words of Truth.  The Holy Spirit helps us discern between His voice and the voice of the adversary.  The Holy Spirit tells us of our divinity, the divinity of others and life.  The Holy Spirit confirms our goodness, innocence, worth, and beauty.  The Holy Spirit speaks words of forgiveness to us, and from us.  He will let us know if we are going astray but only to help us from a wonderful place of love, never to condemn. 

The Holy Spirit encourages us always, and does not speak limitation.  The Holy Spirit gives us clarity on what is sin and what is righteousness.  The Holy Spirit is our greatest cheer leader and always praises and tells us how we can do and accomplish the good we wish to do.  The Holy Spirit tells us that we can be healed, free from darkness or negativity, that we should seek out a blessing, or pray for ourselves or another.  He always encourages us to have an intimate relationship with our Father in Heaven, to converse, and communicate. To truly pour out our feelings, thoughts, desires, needs etc.  He tells us we are not alone.  He speaks of the power of the atonement, of the transforming, healing, fixing, renewing and restoring power of Heaven.  

The Holy Spirit soothes fears, always encourages us to pray, read scripture and follow the standards of the church.  The Holy Spirit testifies of the Truth of the church, the leaders, and the prophets. The Holy Spirit gives us words of guidance away from danger, both physically and spiritually.  

The Holy Spirit guides us to do good, to love, to help, to bless, to take care of ourselves properly, how to care for others in the best ways possible.  The Holy Spirit helps us be the answer to others' prayers.  The Holy Spirit strengthens us physically, emotionally and spiritually.  

There is a purity, sweetness, true happiness about the Spirit we can't miss.  The Holy Spirit always guides us to partake in the things that fulfill us spiritually as well as physically, never just physically or sensually.  The Holy Spirit speaks words of appreciation for us, and through us.  The Holy Spirit helps us be empowered yet also humble.  The Holy Spirit fills us with the grace, happiness, peace, love, delight of heaven.  

The Holy Spirit will always help us know our divinity, live our divinity and stay on the road that keeps us close to God, and in the direction of our divine destiny. The Holy Spirit speaks words of virtue, and helps us live those virtues.  The Holy Spirit helps us to live the commandments of God.   

It is imperative that we understand the difference between these voices. I have only just woken up to all of this, I realize now how much I have listened to the adversary in so many ways in my life. I have definitely listened to the Spirit a lot as well, but because I wasn't totally clear about the difference, I have fallen into the trap of listening unknowingly to his voice.  That is why its so important for people to know the difference.  We need to get use to knowing when its the adversary's voice and dismissing it and immediately allowing the Holy Spirit to speak.  The more we recognize the adversary's voice, dismiss it, and ask for the Holy Spirit to speak to us, the less we will hear the voice of the adversary and the more we will hear the Holy Spirit's voice.  Also, the more we partake in the things of the church like praying, reading scriptures, going to our church meetings, doing our callings, doing our visiting teaching, listening to church or LDS music, reading church or LDS books, spending time with the other saints, the more we will feel and know the Spirit and be able to decipher the difference.  

So anyone who reads this, lets get into the habit of naming what voice we are hearing, and getting into the habit of dismissing the adversary's voice, and asking the Holy Spirit to speak to us regarding all the things in our life.  In the Name of Jesus Christ Amen!